Tag Archives: Pain Management

Sharp Pain in Eye and Head: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

Pain free periods

Experiencing a sharp pain in the eye and head can be unsettling and perplexing. For many, it’s an abrupt jolt of discomfort, leaving them wondering, what just happened? For others, it’s a recurring nuisance, casting a shadow over daily activities. If you’ve ever felt this piercing sensation, you’re not alone and probably seeking answers. What …

What Is Pain Management? (Basics Of Pain, Medicine, Symptoms, And Relief)

What Is Pain Management

For the past few years, knowing what is pain management witnessed many changes in history. From pure herbal relief, research and science were able to develop better quality medicine for pain issues. With this article, you may get more than what the surface of the problem is. You will know more about the symptoms, types of pain, and how to treat it. If you are curious to gain more knowledge for future emergencies, read along with this article.

Dental Implant Pain After Surgery

dental implant pain after surgery

Dental implants are drilled directly into the bone cavity. Usually, these are small titanium poles that melt in the jaw where the missing tooth would have been. However, the fusion does not take place immediately, and the healing process allows the implanted post to be more securely fixed in the jaw and gums. If you’re looking to consider dental implants, DDSS specialises in painless tooth implants in Sydney. It won’t be as painful as a local anesthetic is used to reduce the discomfort.